Friday, March 11, 2011

Color Theory Movie


  1. Good movie, but some slides have too many words to read during the duration of the slide, good movie though

  2. I really liked your color theory movie. It provided a lot of information about color theory. The only problem was that some of the slides were blurry and hard to read and some had too much information for the amount of time spent on the slide.

  3. Great job with the presentation and i liked your information. I agree with what Ryan said how it was hard to read the whole slide during the duration of it but great job though

  4. I really like your presentation it is very creative. I would only improve this my using more picture instead of words. Other than that great job.

  5. Nice presentation overall, I like your choice in pictures especially
    My concern is that you have a lot of words and due to the color of your font they are a bit hard to read.

  6. Overall, a good presentation but the words were a little hard to read and some slides had to many words, still good in general though :)

  7. I like this presentaion, but it was hard to keep up with all the reading i had to do wathing your movie, but its good

  8. good job over all, you had some good information, however it as a bit small and a lot of information on one slide.
