Friday, November 12, 2010

illustrator week 2 scrapsheet

This scrap sheet was a little more challenging than the first scrap sheet.  I think now, though having experience  with illustrator, it helped me a lot allowing me to find my way to make all of these objects.  I think the hardest part was making the flowers because they were so awkwardly shaped.  I liked making the circles and using the pathfinder.  I think i did a fairly good job on this scrap sheet and I hope to improve in the future.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


steak house logo
I like this logo because I like the process the designer took.  I also like the finished product.  I think the way he went about making this logo was good and he did dome stuff I had never thought someone would do to make a logo.  I think this one stuck out to me because I like food so when I saw something that I like and can relate to I stuck out in my mind.

crazy logos
I like this web site for logos because it was a really exotic bunch of logos.  These logos were different because the finished products were always special and created in a different way.  These crazy logos give you an idea of how creative some people can really be.  I don't think I could have ever come up with anything like this. I like these logos because they are different, plain and simple.

3d logos
I like this web site because it is all about 3D logos.  I have always thought that 3D looks cool in movies, books and now they have 3D logo designs.  The design that he focuses on is just one that says simply 3D logo across the page.  The one good thing about 3D logos to me is that they always catch my eye.  Even if there is better logo design out there for the same thing, the 3D one will always stick out in my opinion.

flowing logos
These logos are all focused on things flowing.  The designer basically started with a simple set of waves.  He then would keep adding and adding more layers of waves and manipulating the colors to make it look like a flowing river.  I think these sets of logos were my favorite because they looked the best and it really did look like the logos were just flowing.

shiny logos
This tutorial showed a designer going through the process of making a shiny shield.  This one took the most work it looked like as the designer was taking us through his mindset.  I love the way he made the outer rim of the shield actually look shiny.  When it said the shield was going to be shiny I thought it would be just a bad illusion but he really made it look good.


This was the first project for the most part in adobe illustrator.  It is a little different than photoshop, but there are a lot of similarities as well between the two.  I enjoyed making the spaceship as it was a fun project to make something to look cool.  I think I did a good job with this spaceship project.  It looks very similar to the finished example online.   One thing I think I could improve on is the flare that I made sticks out from the background.
Overall I think my project was good 

illustrator 8-12

Illustrator took a little while to get used to as this is the first time we have used it in this class.  As you can see my shapes are not top notch but they look relatively what they are supposed to be, in my opinion.
I think my illustrator document looks good.  I could definitely improve on the bunny because his back got messed up a little bit. The hands also look a bit disfigured. 
Overall, my scrap sheet turned out good i think